Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Initial assessment and planning

Video 8 of 80
11 min 24 sec
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Managing Major Incidents: On-Site Decision Making

Understanding the Joint Decision Model

We examine the crucial first steps of the Joint Decision Model on-site.

Gathering Information and Intelligence

The first step involves distinguishing between **information and intelligence**. **Information** comprises basic facts such as the nature of the incident—like a collapse and presence of machinery—while **intelligence** contextualises this data to assess its impact on operations and safety protocols.

Each agency interprets intelligence differently based on their roles and responsibilities, influencing how resources are allocated and risks managed.

Importance of Information Sharing

Effective command requires comprehensive **information sharing** among diverse agencies present. This ensures a holistic view of the incident beyond individual perspectives, incorporating insights from fire officers, police, and site experts.

Communication and Updates

**Continuous updates** to the control room are essential, tailored to the incident's tempo or pace. For prolonged incidents, updates may range from hourly to every 15-20 minutes for faster-paced situations.

Utilising On-Site Expertise and Resources

Integration of Subject Specialists

Including **subject specialists** from the site—like quarry managers and equipment operators—is critical. Their expertise in local conditions, machinery capabilities, and site logistics informs tactical decisions, such as stabilising machinery for safer rescue operations.

Managing Site-Specific Challenges

Site managers play a pivotal role in incident management by providing **detailed site plans** and procedures. This includes crucial details like chemical storage, access routes, and emergency facilities (e.g., defibrillators, helipads), facilitating smoother and more efficient response efforts.

Planning for Resilience and Flexibility

Effective planning anticipates challenges and necessitates **resilience management**. This involves anticipating personnel rotation, logistical support (e.g., heat, light, power), and maintaining operational capacity amidst concurrent routine emergencies.

**Flexibility** in planning is key, offering multiple contingencies (**Plan A, B, C**) to adapt to evolving incident dynamics and unforeseen obstacles.