MIPS Location Introduction at the quarry
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Emergency Planning at Quarry: Major Incident Planning
Overview of the Quarry Site
We explored a quarry site to examine its emergency planning and discuss Major Incident Planning.
Site Description
The quarry spans a vast area with multiple sections:
- Storage Areas: Facilities for storing materials and equipment.
- Offices: Administrative centres for managing operations.
- Testing Areas: Zones dedicated to testing materials and processes.
- Processing Plants: Sites where raw materials are processed.
- Helipad: A designated area for helicopter landings.
Access to the site is facilitated by two main points located on opposite sides of the quarry.
Focused Area and Resources
During our visit, we concentrated on one specific area:
- Downloadable Resources: Access aerial photos of the site from the student download area.
Real-World Application
Despite background noise from the active quarry, delivering this section on-site provides:
- Real Location Insight: Learn course subjects with practical application in a real environment.
- Direct Application: Understand how theoretical concepts translate into real-world emergency scenarios.
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