Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Accessing Casualties

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Now what we need to look at is actually the risk assessment for the actual site itself. If we look at this particular rockfall here, the first thing we need to be really aware of is anything else coming down towards us. Am I actually even safe to be here? And I am in a safe zone. We have also got a big machine perched on the top of the hill with a great big extending arm. Is the driver in that going to start doing anything... Is he going to start moving that arm? Am I at risk of him hitting me with the arm or dislodging anything? That really needs to be locked down, frozen at this point. The first case we've got likely buried, not a lot of damage to him, arm trapped, a few rocks on him, unconscious, potential stature rescue. This patient here is probably going to be moved away from here to somewhere quickly safe, where we can actually start working on him.

So the crew is safe working on the patient and the patient is safe and away from any more dangers of the rockfall. But then we look further up and we can see a pair of feet sticking out and a pair of arms. First of all, are they the same casualty? This may be two, it could even be three casualties. It may be a casualty that has been smashed by the rocks and broken into numbers of pieces, but again, we need to know is it safe to go on there and do a few checks? Are they easily accessible? Do we have machinery that can get them out better than I can and quicker than I can?

Is it safe to work on these patients, are they even alive? We have got to remember that we've got a triage, we have got casualties that will come through, higher up the category than a patient that is buried and just his foot sticking out of a rockfall. Highly unlikely this guy is going to survive, but there's a potential we have to factor it in, we have to factor it down, we have to do the checks. But the first and most important thing about this is safety, safety for me, first, safety for the casualty, second. The casualty is already injured, I'm no good, too, if I get injured, so I need to make a dynamic risk assessment and use that dynamic risk assessment to prioritise who I'm going to rescue first and how I'm going to do it.