Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Aide memoirs

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We talked earlier about remaining cool, calm and collected under pressure as a commander at an incident. Some of the things that you can do to assist that process is have a system and stick to it. The best way of doing that is to carry eight memoirs to help your memory. You will not possibly remember everything whilst you are on the scene and it is quite handy to have a pack of things that you can look at to jog your memory as to, "What is it I'm supposed to be taking into consideration at this point in time?"

So in this pack, which I always carry with me in my little daysack, first of all, I have the JESIP Commanders' Aide Memoir, which covers such things as the principles of joint working, METHANE, the joint decision-making model, decision controls, a joint understanding of risk, assessing information, delivering a briefing in terms of II Mark and debriefing at the end. I won't be only using it all at once, but at different intervals throughout the incident, I would refer to it so that I can... Help me make my decisions, etcetera. I carry also slate cards for recording information and these are just laminated sheets with things written on them that you fill in with a chinagraph or a permanent sharpie-type pen. They can be such things as METHANE, MIST, which is a handover report between commissions, communication channels and any other key information that you will require.

I carry one copy of Triage Sieve for primary triage with a casualty count on the other side. This is very useful for reminding me about the principles of triage and why we need to do fast, rapid triage initially at the scene of the incident. I then carry one triage card because it has the triage SALT on the inside of it and it acts as a reminder to me that we should be doing secondary triage before the patients leave the scene. An aide memoir of action cards for the service that I work for. In general terms, you should probably carry two of these. If your organisation or agency has action cards, you need two sets. One set for you, which always remains intact and you always have on your person. The other set is for those that have turned up without their action cards which means you can rip the relevant pages out of that book and hand it to them, but you will still know what their task and role is because you have a complete set yourself.

Not everybody speaks English in our multicultural society, so a medical visual translator is often quite a useful tool to carry and basically it is a point at different things in order to exchange information in a graphic format and extract information from other people.

Finally, I carry a CBI, an initial operating response card, because it gives me all the principles that I need for dealing with chemical and hazardous materials in terms of decontaminating casualties and providing effective treatment, so it will affect my tactical plan. Not only an exceptionally large pack, but actually very useful when you are a little bit stuck and cannot quite remember something, you can refer to it.