Aide memoirs
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Tools for Incident Commanders: Essential Aide Memoirs
Remaining Cool and Effective as an Incident Commander
Strategies to maintain composure and efficiency during incidents:
- Systematic Approach: Implementing a structured approach aids in decision-making.
- Use of Aide Memoirs: Tools designed to assist memory and decision-making processes.
Key Aide Memoirs
A breakdown of essential tools carried by incident commanders:
- JESIP Commanders' Aide Memoir: Covers joint working principles, decision models, and risk assessment.
- Slate Cards: Laminated sheets for recording vital information such as METHANE and communication channels.
- Triage Sieve: Tool for primary triage with casualty count, ensuring rapid assessment at incident scenes.
- Triage Card (SALT): Guides secondary triage processes before patient transfer.
- Action Cards: Provides structured tasks and roles for emergency response teams.
- Medical Visual Translator: Useful for communication in graphic formats across language barriers.
- Initial Operating Response (CBI) Card: Guidelines for managing chemical and hazardous materials incidents.
These aide memoirs are crucial for maintaining clarity and effectiveness in incident management, ensuring prompt and accurate decision-making.
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