Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Effective communications

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Effective communication falls into probably two areas. First of all, it is the communication with other individuals on a face-to-face basis, at the scene, and assessing the information you are being given as a commander. But it also covers communication in terms of radios and other methods of communication devices that you will find at the scene. If anything's going to go wrong at the scene, it is usually something to do with communication and the fact that you've either received inaccurate information or you have not assessed information in a correct manner. So let us start with that human face-to-face interaction. You will have a lot of information coming at you from multiple areas, and you need to be able to assess the information in a structured manner. For this, I use the JESIP crib sheet, which talks through or shows you the reminders of how you should assess information. So the first thing is, is the information you are being given relevant to the situation at hand?

Sometimes you will find that it is not actually relevant to what you need to do, or that your decision-making process at that particular point in time, and therefore, you can ignore some of that information at that point in time. Is the information accurate? Where did it come from? Do you trust the source that gave it to you? Has it been checked and verified? This is a question that you should always ask when you are receiving information. How current is that information? Is it timely? A good example of this can be the difference between what you are seeing at the scene and what your senior commanders may be seeing back at headquarters.

Headquarters tend to use things like Sky News, BBC, 24 news, et cetera, to keep informed. But the problem with this is the information shown on that is probably out of date and being repeated on a 20-minute cycle. So they will be on the radio to you going, "Why haven't you dealt with that?" and actually they are looking at information that is two, three hour hours old which you have actually already dealt with. Reliability of the source. Do you trust the source? How reliable are they? Are they in a position to understand that information and have they made any assumptions that they have added but not told you that they were assumptions? And finally, the credibility of the information. Is it supported or contradicted by any other information that you have already received? And if there is a conflict, then you need to go back and check and verify and have that information checked and verified before you make decisions.