Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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IIMARCH briefing

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3 min 18 sec
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As a commander or a subordinate commander, you are going to be responsible for briefing staff and people. It is best to have a structure that you can stick to in order to do that briefing. The common structure used by most emergency services under JESIP nowadays is a system called IIMARCH, standing for information, intent, method, administration, risk assessment, communications and humanitarian issues. So let us look at each of those sections in a bit more detail.

Information: What has happened, when it happened, and where it happened are probably one of the most key things. So, in the scenario that we were talking about, we are at Kevin Quarry, at JCB. At 12:30 this afternoon, there was a landslide that entrapped approximately 50 patients. So far, 20 patients have been evacuated, leaving 30 unaccounted for. There is a rescue mission ongoing to be able to extract those casualties.

Intent: This is more of a mission statement. It should be short, sharp and to the point. My intent is to triage, treat and transport all casualties from the scene.

Method: How I am going to carry out that mission. I am going to establish a casualty clearing station at the head of the quarry. We are going to use land ambulances to move patients from the point of wounding to the head of the quarry. Having triaged the patients, we will then evacuate them by ambulance to the helipad, where Helimed will evacuate P1 and P2 casualties away from the scene. P3 casualties will go by road.

Administration: Who is carrying out what task, who they are responsible for and what they are responsible for. So, Duncan will be the primary triage officer. He will be supported by Gary, John and Paul.

Risk assessment: What risks are they? How are we going to manage them? So PPE will be warned "high viz" with appropriate tabards showing roles. Hard helmets are required. Anybody forward or in the base of the quarry must be booked in and out using an entry control system.

Communications: What talk groups are we using and how are they going to work? Do bear in mind that in some cases you will require more than one talk group. You will require perhaps a talk group from tactical to operational and a different talk group from tactical back to control. You may require a talk group for logistics to be separate. So, you can have several talk groups running at the same time. It is important for personnel to know which ones they are 'posed to be using.

Humanitarian issues: These will cover such things as the welfare of your staff, how you are going to manage the media and how you are going to manage social media on-site.