Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Initial impression

Video 15 of 80
6 min 18 sec
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Understanding the Triage Process in Healthcare

Initiating Triage: From Waiting Room to Assessment Room

Mark explains the initial stages of the triage process:

  • Assessment Beginnings: Triage starts as soon as patient details are reviewed on-screen or from hand-over sheets.
  • Observations: Upon calling the patient, initial observations begin—from their response to their gait and appearance.

Assessing Patient Condition Prior to Formal Triage

Mark elaborates on pre-assessment insights:

  • Pre-Assessment Evaluation: Observing patients in the waiting room provides vital clues about their condition and urgency.
  • Visual Cues: Sitting position, facial expression, and skin colour offer initial indications of patient well-being.

Formal Triage Process in the Assessment Room

Discussing the structured triage process upon bringing the patient into the assessment room:

  • A2E Assessment: Assessing Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Neurological disability, and Exposure (A2E) guides immediate priorities.
  • Time Efficiency: A thorough triage ideally takes no longer than 10 minutes, ensuring swift assessment and pathway determination.

Communication and Patient Understanding

Highlighting the balance between efficiency and patient rapport:

  • Clear Communication: Emphasizing the importance of concise information gathering to direct patients to appropriate care pathways quickly.
  • Patient Comfort: Creating a reassuring environment while expediting the process to initiate necessary healthcare interventions promptly.

Ensuring efficient triage is crucial for timely and effective patient care, balancing speed with thorough assessment and patient-centred communication.