Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Leaving the scene

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3 min 1 sec
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Hopefully, at some point, you are seeing the incident come to an end, but there are important things for you to do either as a commander or a subordinate commander before you leave the scene and after you leave the scene. You need to ensure that your logbook is finished and that you have reported to your commander. If you are the commander, you have reported controlling and stated that you have finished and you are now leaving the scene. Once you have left the scene, within 24 hours, you need to sit down with your logbook, you need to go through it and start writing your contemporaneous notes.

The script that you will use to expand on the notes that you have done in your logbook, to make them more clear to any future inquiry that may come along. They are not altering your logbook. They are a separate document that supports your logbook. So if you had, as an example, written in your logbook, the First hour was appalling... You might wish to expand on what that actually means... So note one would be, the First hour appalling, as usual, because it is difficult to get a handle on the situations in a fast-moving scene. This expands upon the original note and makes it clear that actually, it was not you that was appalling.

You will also need to carry out a debriefing. Ideally, before you leave the scene, a hot debrief should be carried out. However, that is not always possible, particularly with medical services that tend to dissipate as the casualties leave the scene and are not necessarily in an ability to cluster together to have a hot debrief. You should have a hot debrief with your own staff to get the key points of what went well and what did not go so well.

You need to include people who were not at the scene, such as the control room operators. Once you have done your internal service debrief, you should think about whether or not you are going to have a joint service debrief to look at the good and bad points of the agencies working together. This is probably also going to be a useful requirement for any further inquiry that may come along later. Joint services debriefs should happen within 14 days of the end of the incident, whilst things are still fresh in their mind. What is stated at the joint service debrief is not the points that were bad for you or good for you as a service, but the points which caused friction or problems between agencies. Nobody is interested in you washing your own dirty laundry in public with another agency.