Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Locally available assets

Video 68 of 80
4 min 8 sec
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Utilizing Local Assets in Emergency Response

Identifying and Mobilizing Local Resources

When managing an incident, it's crucial to leverage local resources effectively. Here's how you can utilise available assets:

Locally Available Resources

Control Room Assets: Identify and utilise resources readily accessible from your control room:

  • Voluntary Organisations
  • Mountain Rescue 4x4 Clubs

Civil Contingencies Unit

For Protracted Incidents: Engage with the Civil Contingencies Unit for additional support such as shelters and specialised equipment.

Coordination and Communication

Establishing Contact: Maintain a comprehensive contact list of various services and organisations for quick mobilisation:

  • Ensure you have access to contact numbers and capabilities of each organisation.
  • Utilise the National Interagency Liaison Officer (NILO) for national and local asset coordination.

Dynamic Resource Management

Real-Time Decision Making: Adapt to changing incident dynamics by:

  • Assessing needs and requesting appropriate resources promptly.
  • Considering response time and capabilities when mobilising resources.

Example: Utilising Mutual Aid

Effective Deployment: Coordinate mutual aid responses based on:

  • Response time estimates and operational capabilities.
  • Strategically allocate resources to support core ambulance services or major incident response.

By effectively utilising local assets and coordinating with relevant organisations, incident commanders can enhance response efficiency and resource allocation in dynamic emergency situations.