Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Radio Checks

Video 43 of 80
2 min 8 sec
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Performing Radio Checks: Essential Steps

Introduction to Radio Checks

Radio checks are crucial at the beginning of every shift to ensure reliable communication. In this instructional video, the instructor will guide you through the necessary steps.

Steps for Conducting Radio Checks

The following steps will be demonstrated:

  • Switching On: Learn how to power on the radio correctly.
  • Frequency Settings: Ensure the radio is tuned to the correct frequency.
  • Volume Check: Adjust and verify the volume settings for clarity.
  • Microphone Test: Test the microphone to confirm it's transmitting properly.
  • Functionality Check: Ensure all functions such as buttons and dials are working.

By following these steps, you'll ensure your radio is ready for effective communication throughout your shift.