Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Setting the scene

Video 10 of 80
2 min 28 sec
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We are now going to set the scene for the incident that we actually arrived at. We approach the scene as long as it is safe to do so, so our safety comes first and bystanders as well. So we need to get there, we need to actually have a look as long as it is safe to do so, remember, we may be dealing with chemical sites, we may be dealing with all sorts of different petrochemicals, and this sort of stuff where it literally is not safe to go any further than the point that you first arrived at because anything past that may be too dangerous. But on this occasion, what we are dealing with is a multinational show that's taking place in the quarry. What's happened is one of the machines has disturbed some rock and rock face has collapsed, and we have got estimated between 20 and 30 casualties. Some buried, some trapped, some potential fatalities. We have got machines that are buried, we have got machines that are on the side.

So we have got just about everything we need to feed that information back using a methane report. So it is better to over reg it, to say there are 20 to 30 casualties rather than to under reg it and say there is only two or three. Because the control room, from your information, has got to start to build a picture and start to bring together the resources that are required for your scene. They are going to use multi-national, multi-agency, sorry, services. So we may have Helimeds coming in from different counties, different regions of the country. We may use RAF to bring some Sea Kings in and this sort of stuff.

We can utilise whatever we require with the situation, but it all takes time and you have not got time with casualties. We need to start things being accurate and fast, and that is where your methane report comes in, that methane report is critical for the control room to get eyes on the ground to understand what resources are required and make sure that they can start to build that resource to help you.

We have got 20 to 30 casualties, rock face has collapsed. They are multi-national, so we have got different language barriers, we have got different customs, religions, you name it, we have got it on site. That is what denotes this is a major incident. The number of casualties, the nationalities, and the position we are in. Remember access and egress is also critical, how do we get those resources to help us on scene. Places like this are normally situated in the outback in the middle of nowhere, and they sometimes have multiple entrances. There is no point in having all your resources enter the quarry at the wrong place where they cannot get to you. It needs to be, as I said, accurate information and fed back as soon as possible.