Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

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We also have to look at the survivors on the scene, patients or people who are not injured, so they are not patients anymore, they are now survivors. So, we need to look at how we are going to deal with those. So again, just having been in this incident, what are you gonna do with the survivors and how are you gonna manage them?

Right, so I think it is important to remember that the survivors were involved in the incident. Whilst they probably do not have any physical trauma, they may well have mental trauma. So there need, still needs to be welfare considerations and actually, survivors have another word, witness.

Whilst it is predominantly probably the police or a local authority's job to look after survivors, some medical capability needs to be given to the survival reception centre. There will be those that say they were not injured and turns out they will do, but also there is probably a mental health aspect that needs to be taken care of as well.

So, we have got to take into consideration the shock that is going to hit in after the event, when they are going to start having the flashbacks and the mental trauma of what they have actually witnessed does not hit straight away. Can take several hours before that really kicks in. So, what you are saying is really, we have got to factor that into the rescue and make sure that those people are safe and looked after, and there is a medic on hand to manage that situation if and when it arises.

If you look at the 7/7 bombings in London, a lot of the criticism against the emergency services came from the survivors, who were mainly left, "Well, you are not injured mate, so we are just concentrating on those that are." But on reflection afterwards, when we look back on that, we have found that actually, it is probably far better to provide some form of care and welfare for those people from the outset.