Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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The role of the HSE

Video 76 of 80
3 min 27 sec
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Role of the HSE in Incident Management

Importance of the HSE's Involvement

Understanding the crucial role of the HSE in incident management:

  • Legal Oversight: The HSE ensures compliance with health and safety laws.
  • Post-Incident Assessment: Evaluates corporate preparedness and identifies procedural failures.
  • Guidance and Amendments: Provides recommendations for improving processes and protocols based on experience.
  • Legal Consequences: Possesses legal powers to issue fines and prosecute individuals for negligence.

Early Intervention and Powers

The HSE can intervene early in an incident and has the authority to:

  • Scene Attendance: Can arrive during an ongoing incident, especially in entrapment scenarios.
  • Records Seizure: Has the power to seize necessary records immediately.
  • Legal Backing: Supported by law enforcement if required to enforce compliance.

Collaboration and Support

Despite their enforcement role, the HSE is a resource for improving workplace safety:

  • Positive Engagement: View the HSE as a partner in safety rather than an adversary.
  • Compliance Benefits: Following HSE guidelines reduces legal risks and ensures workforce safety.

Working closely with the HSE from the outset can mitigate risks and promote a safe working environment.