Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Triage cards

Video 29 of 80
3 min 44 sec
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Overview of Triage Cards Used in the UK

Structure and Features of Triage Cards

Let's examine the standard triage card used in the UK, which plays a crucial role in emergency medical response:

  • Envelope Design: The triage card is housed in a durable envelope with distinct front and back sections.
  • Front of the Card: Features a half pocket for easy access to the triage panels.
  • Material: Constructed from plasticised paper to withstand adverse conditions such as wet environments and to prevent tearing.
  • Triage Panels: Each panel is labelled with a barcode and alphanumeric code, facilitating electronic scanning for efficient tracking.
  • SALT Algorithm: Includes the triage SALT algorithm repeated five times, guiding responders through Mechanisms, Injuries, Signs, and Treatment considerations.

Functionality and Usage

  • Handover/Takeover Panel: Located on the back of the card, enabling seamless transfer of information without removing the card from its protective envelope.
  • Transportation Tag: Includes a tear-off tag for recording casualty priority, vehicle assignment, and destination, aiding in logistical coordination.
  • Prioritisation: Can accommodate Priority 4 incidents by folding the card appropriately, ensuring clarity with a visible colour-coded indicator.
  • CBRN Capability: The front plastic envelope can hold a CBRN card, detailing contamination status and agent type, while maintaining visibility of triage details.
  • Elastic Bands: Durable bands securely attach to patients and maintain integrity over time, suitable for long-term storage and reuse.

Handover/Takeover Efficiency

The handover/takeover panel is designed for swift information exchange:

  • Efficient Communication: Simplifies data transfer between clinicians with concise tick boxes and graphical information representation.