Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

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Triage cards

Video 29 of 80
3 min 44 sec
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Now we will have a closer look at the standard card that is used for triage in this country. First of all, it comes in an envelope and it is important to note that the envelope has a front and a back. First of all, there is a half pocket on the envelope. That is the front of the card. The card has three triage panels and you will notice that each of those panels is labelled with a bar code and an alphanumeric code, so they can be scanned if you are using an electronic system.

The cards are made of plasticised paper so that they will work in adverse conditions when it is wet. There is another reason for it, is the plasticised paper does not tear. You can stretch it, you can bend it, but you cannot tear it. The triage card follows a system that you will be familiar with: Mechanisms, injuries, signs, treatment. It has the triage SALT algorithm, which we will talk about in more depth shortly, repeated five times within the card.

It has a handover/takeover panel on the back, so handover/takeover can be done without taking the card out of the plastic envelope and it has a tear-off transportation tag, which will be used to tell you what the priority of that casualty was, which vehicle they were put on and what destination they were sent to and is designed to be torn off and put in a control board by the loading officer, so you can constantly track where you are with your casualty load.

It does maintain the ability to do the fourth category, priority 4, by folding the card to priority 1 and folding the top corner down so that the blue triangle with the yellow background shows and if that then goes into the envelope that will be held in position and if that priority is ever used as a priority 4, that is how it is done, note that the handover/takeover panel is on the back.

The plastic envelope at the front is designed to take a CBRN card, which will show whether the casualty is contaminated, decontaminated or what type of chemical, biological or radiological agent may have been used, which is why when that card goes in there, it only fills... Comes up to halfway. You can still see what the patient's triage category is and the handover/takeover panel is unobstructed by the card.

The elastic bands are exceptionally strong and when attached to a patient do not deteriorate whilst in storage, so they will last you a long time. If you have a closer look at the handover/takeover panel, it is merely a tick box for the type of injury and very small amounts of information. It is designed so that you can put a lot of information in a graphic form very quickly to be able to do handover/takeover between clinicians.