Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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What is defined as a major incident

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A definition of what is defined as a major incident is rather easy for health because it has a definition that is given to us in the Emergency Preparedness Resilience package and it is defined as an incident where the number, severity, or type of casualties, or by its location requires the implementation of special procedures. However, what you also got to bear in mind is what is a major incident for one service is not necessarily a major incident for another service.

Therefore, you can have a situation where you have multiple responders from different agencies for which some it is a major incident and for others, it is not. Clearly, if you have limited resources like any organisation and you are going to have to implement special procedures in order to effectively deal with it, then that probably defines it as a major incident for you. But it may not define as a major incident for either the ambulance service, the health service, or fire, or police depending upon the resources that are immediately available.

If you are a corporate entity of any description, then a major incident may actually be defined as something that affects your organisational reputation, your customer base or your potential income. So as an example, if you are a theme park, and you have a roller coaster crash, then actually that will affect your organisational reputation and will tie you up in legal proceedings probably for the next two or three years, all of which will affect you and therefore for you, that might be a major incident despite the fact that the number of casualties involved may only be one or two.