Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

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Hazards from the sea

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Jetty Operations and Safety

Overview of Jetty Facilities

The jetty is a critical area for the site's operations, facilitating both imports and exports of hazardous materials.

  • Loading and Unloading Capacity: Equipped with two loading arms, capable of handling vessels up to 10,000 tons, depending on dredging levels to maintain sufficient draft.
  • Frequency of Operations: Typically, the jetty handles two to three vessels per month, transporting materials globally, including chemicals and gasoline.

Risk Management and Safety Protocols

The site implements rigorous safety measures to mitigate risks associated with jetty operations.

  • Fixed Pipework: All pipework is fixed to reduce the risk of leaks compared to flexible hoses.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Personnel conduct regular checks every half hour to ensure connections are secure, and there are no leaks before and during material transfer.
  • Communication: Communication protocols include VHF radios for direct communication with ships and internal radios for coordination with the refinery, ensuring effective communication despite distance.

Emergency Response Capabilities

The jetty is equipped with comprehensive emergency response capabilities to manage incidents effectively.

  • Emergency Shutdown Systems: Allows immediate cessation of material discharge or receipt into the refinery pipelines in case of emergencies.
  • Environmental Considerations: Permission protocols are in place to use foam for incidents affecting the estuary, considering its SSSI, RAMSAR, and recreational importance.
  • Support for Emergency Services: Fire extinguishers, jetty monitors, and fire hoses along the jetty provide support to emergency services responding to incidents.

Coordination with Emergency Services

In the event of an incident, coordination with emergency services is crucial, involving detailed information sharing and collaborative management.

  • Information Required: Emergency services would seek details such as personnel accountability, materials involved, quantities, wind direction, and potential impacts on the surrounding area.
  • Role in Incident Management: While the site manages the incident internally, decisions by the ship's master regarding vessel movement remain outside their control, necessitating effective information provision to emergency responders.