Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

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Hazards of the tank farm

Video 91 of 100
4 min 25 sec
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Tank Farm Operations and Safety

Overview of Tank Farm Area

The tank farm area is crucial to the site's operations, housing a variety of storage tanks, including floating roof tanks designed to minimize emissions.

  • Floating Roof Tanks: These tanks have roofs that adjust with liquid levels to reduce vapours and emissions.
  • Painted White: All tanks are painted white to reflect sunlight, keeping contents cooler and reducing emissions.

Transfer and Containment Risks

Transfers in and out of tanks can occur over varying durations, posing risks such as misdirection of materials and potential overfills.

  • Containment: Tanks are situated on concrete bases within bunds designed to hold 110% of the largest tank's contents, ensuring containment in case of spills or overfills.
  • Controlled Discharge: Bunds are equipped with penstock valves to control material flow, preventing accidental discharge into the environment.

Emergency Response and Safety Measures

The site is equipped with extensive safety measures to mitigate risks and respond to emergencies effectively.

  • Water Cooling: Hydrants linked to powerful water pumps facilitate rapid cooling in emergency situations.
  • Foam Blanketing: Foam stocks are available to suppress vapours in case of highly flammable materials.
  • Confined Space Entry: Tank maintenance requires confined space procedures, supported by a dedicated rescue team equipped with BA kits and stretchers.

The safety protocols ensure readiness to handle confined space emergencies promptly and efficiently.