Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

Processing area

Video 97 of 100
4 min 37 sec
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Processing Area Hazards and Emergency Response

Overview of Processing Operations

The processing area involves manufacturing hydrocarbons through distillation processes:

  • Distillation Methods: Includes atmospheric distillation, pressure distillation, and vacuum distillation.
  • Material Characteristics: Some materials are volatile even at ambient temperatures, transitioning from liquid to vapour within processing columns.

Hazards and Risks

Key considerations regarding hazards in the processing area:

  • Vapour Release Risks: Potential for leaks leading to flammable vapour clouds, which are highly volatile and prone to ignition.
  • Operational Intensity: High processing rates (35-40 cubes per hour) can escalate incidents quickly.
  • Explosion and Fire Risks: Risks include vapor cloud explosions, pool fires, and flash fires due to congested operational areas.

Emergency Response Procedures

Protocols and actions in place for emergency situations:

  • Control Room Management: Coordination from the central control room to direct emergency services upon their arrival.
  • Information Provision: Detailed briefing to emergency services on incident specifics, hazards, wind direction, and necessary precautions.
  • Shutdown Procedures: Immediate shutdown of adjacent plants for safety; capability to stop processing plants instantly if required.
  • Fire Suppression: Utilisation of fixed monitors and fire main system for efficient water cooling without direct human intervention.
  • Evacuation Considerations: Contingency plans for site evacuation if deemed necessary for safety.