Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

MIPS site planning table top exercise

Video 83 of 100
0 min 52 sec
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MIPS Training: Tabletop Exercises and Practical Application

Introduction to Tabletop Exercises

Tabletop exercises in MIPS training are designed to stimulate guided thought and practical planning application.

Exercise Films and Plan Production

The following films will guide you through creating a plan required for achieving MIPS qualification:

  • Ideation: Gain insights into planning methodologies.
  • Completion Requirement: Producing a comprehensive plan is necessary for MIPS qualification.

Downloadable Resources

Access maps of the quarry in the course download area for practical exercise reference:

  • Mapping: Download and print quarry maps for practical application.
  • Flexibility: Pause and rewind videos to review exercise segments as needed.

Segmented Exercise Approach

We have divided the tabletop exercise into smaller, manageable segments for enhanced comprehension:

  • Structure: Step-by-step breakdown facilitates understanding.

Upon completion of your practical exercises, you will transition to applying these skills on a petrochemical plant setting.