Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

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Effective Role Identification at Incident Scenes

Importance of Role Identification

Clear identification of roles and responsibilities is crucial at incident scenes:

Challenges with Role Identification

Key Issue: Determining who is in charge and identifying key roles can be problematic.

Use of Tabards for Role Clarity

Effective Solution: Utilising tabards with clear markings helps identify roles effectively:

  • Consider the cost implications of different tabard systems.
  • Opt for versatile tabards that allow role changes without requiring multiple tabards.
  • Use different colours only for senior commanders to distinguish their role.

Flexibility in Tabard Design

Adaptable Tabards: Tabards designed for versatility enhance role flexibility:

  • Tabards with reversible designs and interchangeable slides for various roles.
  • Ensure slides are accessible and securely stored within the tabard itself to avoid misplacement.

Creating New Roles

Emergent Roles: Sometimes new roles may need to be created on the spot:

  • Have provisions for blank slides and markers to accommodate unforeseen roles.
  • Example: A liaison officer role established during a football club exercise.

Ensure that all roles, including unforeseen ones, are clearly identifiable and integrated into the incident management structure.