Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

The control room

Video 98 of 100
3 min 6 sec
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Roles and Responsibilities in Incident Control Room


This section outlines the key roles and responsibilities of personnel in the incident control room during emergencies.

Control Room Operations

The control room plays a pivotal role in managing incidents and emergencies on-site.

Key Personnel

  • Duty Manager: Oversees operations in the control room and assumes the role of site controller during incidents.
  • Incident Controller: Coordinates on-site activities, directs equipment deployment, and manages frontline incident response.


The roles include identifying incidents, sounding alarms, mobilising equipment, and liaising with emergency services.

Emergency Response Coordination

The site controller acts as the primary liaison with emergency services, providing critical information about site hazards and materials.

Evacuation Protocol

Provisions are in place to evacuate to a secondary control centre if necessary, ensuring continuity of operations and safety.

Command Structure

The duty manager or designated personnel may escalate to tactical or operational command roles as required, collaborating closely with emergency services.

Strategic Command

In higher-level emergencies, personnel may be called to strategic command (Gold Command) for decision-making involving senior officials.