Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

Supporting families

Video 36 of 100
3 min 18 sec
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Managing Family Members in Major Incidents

Considerations for Family Members in Stadium Incidents

Addressing challenges when family members are involved in a major incident:

  • Diverse Needs: Handling situations where some family members may be injured while others are unharmed.
  • Emotional Impact: Understanding the emotional attachment of family members to the incident.
  • Logistical Challenges: Managing the desire of family members to reunite with loved ones amidst the incident response.

Strategies for Managing Family Members

Effective strategies to support and manage family members:

  • Assigning Family Liaison Officers: Designating personnel to provide support and keep family members informed.
  • Providing Dedicated Areas: Establishing safe spaces for family members to gather and receive updates.
  • Ensuring Communication: Keeping family members informed about the situation and treatment of their loved ones.

Handling Family Groups with Varying Injury Levels

Challenges and adaptations when dealing with different injury severities within a family:

  • Triage and Treatment: Adapting triage protocols to accommodate keeping family members together despite varying medical needs.
  • Reuniting Family Units: Recognizing the importance of keeping family units intact for emotional and practical reasons.
  • Mental Well-being: Minimizing psychological distress by ensuring family members stay together during treatment and recovery.