Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

When the alarm sounds

Video 96 of 100
5 min 32 sec
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Emergency Response Procedures at COMAH Sites

Initial Response and Coordination

When the alarm sounds, immediate actions are taken to ensure safety and coordination:

  • Evacuation Procedure: Non-operational personnel proceed to the muster point for accountability and safety.
  • Role of the Shift Chemist: Positioned at the refinery entrance to coordinate with arriving emergency services.
  • Emergency Services Liaison: First responders gather critical information about the incident's location and nature.

Information Gathering and Control Room Management

Upon arrival of emergency services, the following steps are taken in the control room:

  • Initiate searches and muster roll to account for all personnel.
  • Provide essential incident details: wind direction, potential environmental impact, and necessary precautions.
  • Activate alarms until the situation is under control or everyone is accounted for.

Managing Personnel and Environment

Ensuring safety and environmental protection are prioritised:

  • Personnel Safety: Continuous updates and instructions for personnel at the muster point.
  • Environmental Protection: Shutting off interceptors to prevent material reaching sensitive areas like rivers.

Preparation and Equipment Readiness

Preparing site resources and equipment for emergency response:

  • Activate fire pumps and prepare foam stocks (15,000 litres available).
  • Review first-responder sheets to determine affected areas and shutdown procedures.