Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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If things go wrong

Video 33 of 80
2 min 17 sec
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What we need to look at is what happens if things go wrong and going wrong, is that the correct terminology? Do we need to look at that and how do we correct the problems? So again, just in, when things go wrong or change, how do we manage that? How are we going to actually factor in and how are we going to change our tactics when these things occur?

I think the important thing, what you are suggesting there is that there is new information. The fact that that information is not what we want to hear, I.e. It's going wrong, doesn't affect your process. Have a system and stick to it. And the system to stick to here is to feed that information into the joint decision-making model. Start at the top and respin the wheel, going through the boxes one by one, assessing that information, coming up with a new plan, issuing new instructions and then evaluating whether that's having the effect that you want. So sticking to the joint decision-making model, following the boxes is what you need to do when things go wrong.

Just to reiterate, what we are saying here is, not necessarily going wrong, but changing. It's not what you expected. If you don't have a method, a planning model to work from, when something happens that you're not expecting, when, as we say, something goes wrong, you can be left in total panic zone because the adrenaline starts kicking in, you don't know what to do and all things start to fail. Whereas, if we have a decision-making model, when something goes wrong or changes, we can change immediately with it, because the model is designed to allow us to do that. 

To the top, it's new information. What does that information mean to me? How does it affect my organisation? What are the threats and risks that have come with that information? How am I going to mitigate them? and carry on going through the boxes.