Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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The goal of triage

Video 12 of 80
1 min 31 sec
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So Mark, what do we need to find out when we do a triage of a patient? What is the purpose?

Okay, so triage is a French word and it means "to sort". So, we are sorting out the severity of patients, how quick they need to be seen and which pathway they need to go down.

You mentioned pathway. Can you explain what we mean by a pathway in the NHS?

A pathway will be... It is usually a pathway that... A patient journey. A patient will go to... In A&E a patient will go to triage. If they have a minor injury they will be placed in a minor injury queue in a waiting area. Then they will be transferred then through to minor injuries to see a doctor, and then they will have investigations and then discharged usually. That is a pathway and it can cover any illness, really. In terms of triage, the pathways are based on the severity of the illness.

So we are bringing the patient into the room, we are taking baseline sets of obs, we are then putting them on this pathway, or this journey, this patient journey. So, the journey starts and should finish with the patient leaving hospital treated, completed and basically fit and well again.

Fit and well again, yes, or admitted for further definitive care.